Had fun putting this Songs That Make Us Cry (and Songs to Cry To) playlist on YouTube in conjunction with our Parenting Roundabout podcast episode on things that make us cry. I find that country story songs are the ones that really jerk my tears — "Christmas Shoes," of course, which is the musical equivalent of a crowbar to the tear ducts, but "Don't Take the Girl" and "He Didn't Have to Be" both legitimately made me teary. I was kind of amused to see how a couple of sad songs from the old days, "Sylvia's Mother" and "Operator," are pretty obsolete because no one goes to an operator for information anymore or gets nagged by one to put in forty cents more for the next three minutes. Ah, memories.
Anyway, enjoy a listen and a weep — there are both happy and sad cry songs — and let me know in the comments what songs should be added on.