Thursday, June 11, 2009

My new book is out July 18

Just got a big box of author's copies of my new book this week, and it's so exciting to see it all bound up and pretty. It's called 50 Ways to Support Your Child's Special Education, and offers really practical things you can do every day to help your child. I've talked to a lot of educators who are disheartened by a lack of parental involvement, and unlike so much of what ails special education, that's an easy thing to fix. Please consider keeping an eye out for the book, online and in your bookstore, and help me get the word out.


Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Congratulations, Terri!

Katy said...

I just bought your book yesterday and I'm about halfway through. As a former special-ed teacher, I thought your advice so far has been stellar.