Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Adoption and Special Needs on the Parenting Roundabout Podcast

Have you been listening to me blather on the Parenting Roundabout Podcast? I'm having fun every weekday chatting with my cohosts Catherine Holecko and Nicole Eredics on all things parenting and being a parent—subscribe on Apple Podcasts or your podcast app of choice to get every ep—they're usually under 15 minutes, so we won't take up much of your day.

The following recent episodes might be good to start with for readers of this blog, since I specifically talked about adoption or special-needs-related experiences:

Saying Too Much (7/1/19): We talked about those times when you give out information about your kids in conversation that is really nobody's business, just because your brain doesn't through up the stop sign until after your mouth has stopped moving. Been there, cringing at having done that.

Four Things That Define Us (6/26/19): A bag with four things we want people to know? I'd have loved that for IEP meetings.

Roundabout Roundup: (6/21/19): I talked about our experience at the NJ Special Olympics as part of our weekly picks episode.

Ambiguous Kid-Speak (6/19/19): Most kids say "fine" in a way that could mean anything, but when you have a kid with FASD, ambiguous speech jumps to a whole new level.

Roundabout Roundup (6/7/19): My pick for the week is a web series about accessible architecture.

Listen in!

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